October 15, 2009

Another Marathon

Here's the latest from Scranton: I finished the Steamtown Marathon last Sunday. I think my training plan is getting more and more solidified--no running, continual carcinogination of the lungs, lots of late nights, and a gun time of about 3:55:30. No walk breaks this time; I ran consistent nine-minute miles the entire race, lowering my personal record by a minute and a half. Let's see: if I cut out cigabooze nights, I can cut a minute per mile off my pace, and if I train, maybe I can cut off another minute per mile! Boston qualifying, here I come!


Peter Louis Kane said...

Beautiful, John

Joshua said...

Are you sure you're not walking across the finish line. You look like you are stepping rather cautiously, or perhaps, much as the cat who "climbed over / the top of // the jamcloset / first the right / forefoot // carefully / then the hind / stepped down // into the pit of / the empty / flowerpot."