January 14, 2010


sorry to tone down the stream of pedanticism a.d.o.v. has going here, but the second panel of today's hark, a vagrant is simply to die for.

omg. so good.

it strikes me suddenly that kate beaton is the closest thing to edward gorey these days, which is nice because hey, she's better than most, but lamentable, because she's still a long shot from the morbidity of gorey. seems like by now there'd have been an even gorier gorey, but sadly, not the case.

p.s. i can't say that i read the entire avatar proceedings on this blog, but oh man, did not that movie suck in so many ways?


Lord Bloch said...
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Lord Bloch said...

Ah Chris! You're fantastic! What a delightful diversion. I must ask though, why do you not capitalize your words at the beginning of sentences? Is it more or less pedantic than capitalizing correctly?

Also, my favorite Avatar dealy is this: http://failblog.org/2010/01/10/avatar-plot-fail/

audiere said...

My lack of capitals, Peter, was purely purposeful, I assure you. To me, capitalization means business, and lowercase means fun. I brought down my case just like I brought down the highfalutin tone of the last few posts.

Your fail link is fun, but that's not the fault of the movie. Pocahontas is a great story, and a retelling of the Pocahontas story is not inherently doomed simply because it is a retelling. The fault of the movie is sucking too much. That and being hardly distinguishable from an obnoxiously long cut-scene at the beginning of a video game that you can't skip through.