June 29, 2010

A Scene

"It's been a frightful day, and I haven't had anything to eat. Dear Martha, would you make me a plain omelet?"

"Jimmy, do you mean to say I'm plain?"

"Nonsense, it's called a plain omelet."

"But you never call it that. I've heard 'omelet' and 'cheese omelet' from you. So I'll repeat myself, do you mean to say I'm plain?"

"If I meant to imply that, I would have done it more obviously."

"Well that's not how you imply, is it, Jim? It snuck up on you, didn't it, Jim? Jimmy, would you make me a greasy hamburger?"

"Now now, I've been working in the heat all day. Don't go jibing me."

"I'll jibe you all I want as long as you're jibing me."

"But I'm not. I was at a diner today and my buddy ordered a 'plain omelet.' That's how he said it, and it was just how you make them. So I thought I'd call it by its proper name for once."

"Who was this buddy? What was this diner?"

"It was Bill. And Ranieri's."

"Why on Earth, Jim, would they have a French omelet at Ranieri's? Jim, I've caught you in a lie."

"Martha, this is America--the melting pot."

"Well I'll melt you, Jimmy, along with your damn omelet for calling me plain."

"Well you are. What's a man to do with the truth?"


J.P. said...

Say, I like this. What is it?

Anonymous said...

I guess he didn't get anything at that diner.