April 7, 2009

Moving to Phoenix

I'm going to be moving to Glendale, Arizona in the summer. It's just northwest of Phoenix. I will be teaching at Glendale Preparatory Academy as an Art teacher for 6th-10th graders. The school itself is a liberal arts charter school under the umbrella of the Great Hearts Academies. I'm basically very excited to go out there and have a job, but something that I know is going to be of noble purpose-that is important to me.
I will miss D.C., for sure, yet I am sure that this will be a lot of fun, and I have high hopes.

I'm excited about the heat.



April 1, 2009

Quantum Physics, WTF

Sitting at the capbar with my friends.  
Paul is telling me all about physics and stuff.  He's pretty smart.

I just learned all about Quantum Physics on Wikipedia.  Who needs to go to college when you can just look this stuff up on the internet?  Ok, so according to wiki, you can tell a computer to do two things: on or off.  It's so simple, I never thought that what I've been doing all my life is turning things on.  So there's these people, according to wiki, that are of the belief that computers will eventually evolve into the new humans and we'll create them, so the more physics and computer stuffs we do, the closer we are to the eventual annihilation of the human race! Sweet!  
Physics is much more complicated than literature, really it is.
But seriously.

Scary stuff bro.  Go to i-doser.com
messed up, they believe that by playing binary sound bites at a specific frequency it will replicate the effects of getting drunk, bumping nasties, tripping on acid, multiple things.  They even have peyote; their "hits" are usually between 3-5 bucks, but then they have premium hits, which they highly recommend not using.  There's a potency level for the average hits of between normal and very strong.  The premium hits are called "The Gates of Hades" and "The Hand of God," and their potency levels are categorized as "unexplainable."  
Stuff's messed up.  I don't even know guys.

Hell's Ditch,

Peter Bloch