July 27, 2009

Fresh from the Grapevine

Attention: Recent Graduates (the marginalized, the mangled, the exiled, the unloved, the unemployed, the disenfranchised, the debubbled)

It is rumored to be that Brittany Cameron will not be returning.

Thus, it seems that there may be an opening position at UD (mind you that I have heard this via Grapevine, and as such this information is capable of being spurious).

Therefore rejoice all ye nations!

It is not unfitting that on this day in history (July 27):

1689 - Glorious Revolution: Battle of Killiecrankie
1794 - French Revolution: Robespierre is arrested and tried for the murder of 17,000 via guillotine
1870 - Birth of Hilaire Belloc (Happy Birthday!)
1946 - Death of Gertrude Stein (RIP)


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Lord Bloch said...

College Girl is referring to this link.


This is the Bloggers Choice Awards. I don't actually care about winning, I just thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if I nominated myself...