October 1, 2009

Fall Break I

From Phoenix:
So, today I taught my 10th grade art class how to sing John Kanackanacka; then we went over to the other 10th grade section, in a warlike manner, flung open the door to their peaceful literature class and sang/screamed to them.  It was awesome.

Then I recited "Everything Depends on a Red Wheel Barrow" and "This is Just to Say" by W.C. Dubbs to my 6th graders; they all laughed a lot and most didn't believe they were real poems and one of them actually called Red Wheel Barrow "evil."  :)

Also, I'm going to be in Dallas for a few days next week.

I remain yours,

Peter Bloch


Joshua said...

By "evil," I'm sure the student meant the poem lacks a due good. So the question is: What good need be such that the poem is complete? I imagine, since everything depends on it, that it would need a red wheelbarrow, perhaps a photograph or some such like.

Paul K Gautier, Jr said...

Or perhaps the poem can only be read properly by a red wheelbarrow.

When do you arrive in Dallas?

Lord Bloch said...

Monday night.

Mary Sexton said...

Ohhh this is where I learn who's in Dallas. Slow I am.