April 18, 2010

Left footed

Epic Art Fail Hall of Fame

Not everyone gets an "A"

These are the drawings and quizzes that are on the fringe, as in, there's something else going on.  Not immediately classifiable, these drawings are meant to be interesting and funny.  Enjoy.

We were working on portrait drawings.

This is simply disturbing.

Favorite.  It IS a drawing of the statue Augustus of Prima Porta

City in 2 and 3 point perspective.

I just don't know...


Paul K Gautier, Jr said...

Draw a skyline in the background of the one with the giant laser-shooting caterpillar. And add in Godzilla, but on the other side. They can fight. I'd look at that drawing.

M. Elizabeth Tetzlaff said...

Just wondering--what do you say to the kids who know they can't draw (viz. 3rd drawing from top)?

Lord Bloch said...

I make something up.